Author Archives: frederic

Call for Participation “101 guide to Interaction Design Education for the next decade”

101 guide to Interaction Design Education for the next decade IxDa, the international professional association for Interaction design and Cumulus International Association for Art, Design & Media education are joining forces for a series of shared workshops about the future … Continue reading

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The Hong Kong Session 2016 : Augmented Realities

Augmented Realities : Digital Culture in Hong Kong The Digital Culture experience is back in Hong Kong for a new session during the Open Design for E-very-thing Cumulus Conference , after a 3-year break since last meeting in Dublin (nov. … Continue reading

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The Helsinki session: the program

The next meeting of the Cumulus Digital Culture working group will take place in Helsinki on Thursday 24th of May during the Northern World Mandate Cumulus Conference organised by Aalto University. As for the sessions in Shanghai, Paris and Denver, … Continue reading

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The Denver Session: the report

The first Digital Culture session in North America took place on the opening day of the Cumulus conference organised by the Rocky Mountain College of Art+Design in Denver, Colorado, Sep. 29th 2011. Thanks to our good friend Fred Murrell, who … Continue reading

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The Denver Session : the program

Overview of Digital Culture Working Group Cumulus Denver 2011 UPDATE : Final timetable online, see below for exact timing of the session, Sep. 12. added presentations by Michael Mages and Joy Sikes to the program, Sep. 6. Digital Culture in … Continue reading

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The Paris session: the report

As announced on this blog, the latest session of the Cumulus Digital Culture working group took place on Thrusday May 19th 2011, during the Cumulus spring conference “Crossing Talents” organised by Strate Collège Designers in Sèvres (near Paris, France). An … Continue reading

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The Paris session: final program, May 19th 2011

UPDATE may 17 : slight shift in the schedule as lunchtime is now planned 12:30 – 13:30. The provisional program is now online for the next session in Paris. It will be divided in two parts : morning part will … Continue reading

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